Python API for working with notebook files

Reading and writing

The reading functions require you to pass the as_version parameter. Your code should specify the notebook format that it knows how to work with: for instance, if your code handles version 4 notebooks:

nb ='path/to/notebook.ipynb', as_version=4)

This will automatically upgrade or downgrade notebooks in other versions of the notebook format to the structure your code knows about.


This special value can be passed to the reading and writing functions, to indicate that the notebook should be loaded/saved in the format it’s supplied.


These integers represent the current notebook format version that the nbformat module knows about.

NotebookNode objects

The functions in this module work with NotebookNode objects, which are like dictionaries, but allow attribute access (nb.cells). The structure of these objects matches the notebook format described in The Notebook file format.

Other functions

Constructing notebooks programmatically

These functions return NotebookNode objects with the necessary fields.

Notebook signatures

This machinery is used by the notebook web application to record which notebooks are trusted, and may show dynamic output as soon as they’re loaded. See Security in notebook documents for more information.

Signature storage

Signatures are stored using a pluggable SignatureStore subclass. To implement your own, override the methods below and configure NotebookNotary.store_factory.

By default, NotebookNotary will use an SQLite based store if SQLite bindings are available, and an in-memory store otherwise.